Canvas Studio
Eclipse Rich Client Image Editor


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What is Canvas Studio?

Canvas Studio provides image editing facilities to the Canvas Studio allows developers to edit images associated with a project without the Eclipse IDE without the need to export, edit and import the image to an external image editor.

Canvas Studio has been designed in the understanding that every user is different, with different needs and expectations. Canvas Studio has been designed to utilise the power of the Eclipse framework allowing developers to easily develop and extend the functionality far behond the original bounds of the application.

Canvas Studio Feature

Canvas Studio is currently under development. Future releases of the application will include:

  • Act as a plug-in for the Eclipse Rich Client Platform.
  • Allow developers to view project images.
  • Allow developers to create new images.
  • Allow users to load, save and edit images.
  • Provide a framework to load/save image document to different file formats.
  • Provide a framework to allow developers to plug-in new image editing tools.
  • Multi-layers image support.

Downloading Canvas Studio

The first release of the application is still under development.

The application can by downloaded and built using anonymous CVS from within Eclipse, instructions for accessing CVS can be found here.